The Madness
Me: Dude, I’m planning on checking out that crack at The Promontory! What do you think? Will it go free? Is it cool? I’m all psyched!
Steven: Yep, it’ll go free for sure. I did al l the moves up to the last 30 feet. The climb will be mega. Like really classic. And the gear is bomber.
Me: Dude, YES! Best news I’ve heard all month! I’m sofa king psyched!!! You said you did all the moves up to the last 30 feet…what’s after that?
Steven: An awesome looking headwall! Looks like it might be pretty runout but you’re high off the deck at that point. The roof section is hard and that’s before the headwall so it’ll be a toughie!
I was buzzing. -
The story behind the name is that, when I was on a surf trip in Santa Cruz about a year ago my friend and I were watching the Karate Kid movie from 2010, the one with Jackie Chan and Jaden...
“The climber’s strongest muscle is the brain” – Wolfgang Gullich Mad Rock athlete Stephan Vogt spent over 20 days in a span of 5 years projecting one the most famous sport climbs in the world. Action Directe 5.15a
"I try to find any small things which can make me better," Alexey says. He is always searching for new ways to get stronger. But it's not always about comps and winning. "I touch the stone and I touch nature,...
Working through the first few moves of the Final problem. Photo: Tim Gillies I step onto the wall, and grab the first hold. “Oh geez,” I think, “this feels terrible!” It’s slippery and small. I squeeze. I imagine...